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Go on a juice diet - go on a juice diet

20-12-2016 à 06:24:07
Go on a juice diet
Vegan, gluten-free meals, and snacks may be included for people requiring more energy, are new to juice cleansing, or want a less extreme experience. Fasting can be tough, both physically and mentally, so you may find it easier to start small. Juice cleanses can be done at home using a juicer or juice press. A juice cleanse is a type of detox diet that involves consuming vegetable and fruit juice for a short period of time (typically one to three days). Fruits and vegetables used to make the juices often include celery, kale, carrot, cabbage, apple, spinach, beets, and leafy greens. But you should always check with your doctor before starting a juice fast. Having a good quality juicer is essential when performing a juice fast, as it will maximize the amount of juice that you get from your fruit and veg and will save you time and effort on preparation and clean-up. Although juice should be consumed as close to the time of juicing as possible, juice can be stored in covered glass or BPA-free cups or bottles. Raw, organic juice is the key component of the cleanse because of the nutrients, phytochemicals, and antioxidants that are in an easily absorbable liquid form. If hunger pangs are persistent or uncomfortable, vegetable broth or a small snack such as carrots, celery, a salad, or a piece of fruit is often suggested. Some programs include one or more smoothies per day to provide protein, fat, and other nutrients for energy and to curb hunger. Write an Article Request a New Article Answer a Request More Ideas. To optimize nutrient absorption, juice cleanse proponents recommend drinking juice slowly rather than gulping it down. Room temperature or lukewarm water may be consumed between each juice or meal to promote elimination.

Community Dashboard Random Article About Us Categories Recent Changes. Consultation with a health care professional is recommended, particularly for cleanses lasting longer than one day or for anyone with a health condition. People often find it easiest to juice at the beginning or end of the day and to make enough for one full day. For your juice fast, you will need large quantities of fresh fruit and vegetables - probably more than you realize. Seasoned fasters can go for as long as three weeks on a juice fast, however if this is your first time, it is recommended that you start with a smaller, more manageable target, such as three days. If this is your first fast, it may be helpful to rope in a friend to go through the process with you. Certain foods, such as coffee, refined sugar, meat, dairy products, wheat, alcohol, and nicotine are gradually eliminated to reduce headaches, cravings, and other withdrawal symptoms. Edit Article wiki How to Perform a Juice Fast. Cleanse programs are also available in many cities at local juice bars, larger chain stores such as Whole Foods Market, Costco, or Target, or can be ordered online from companies such as Blueprint Cleanse, Organic Avenue, and Pressed Juicery. Juice fasting is ideal for cleansing the body of toxins and aiding with weight loss. Vegan meals and snacks are included on some plans. Stock up on oranges, lemons, limes, tomatoes, spinach, kale, celery, carrots, cucumbers, apples, grapes, blueberries, beets, garlic and ginger root. To complete a three day juice fast, you will actually be following a five day plan - taking one day to ease your body into the fast and one day to ease out. If possible, you should also stock up on some good quality spring water from a company that uses food grade plastic or glass bottles. A green vegetable-based juice is a key part of a juice cleanse. This article will teach you how to perform a juice fast safely and effectively. It is very important that you buy organic produce, free from pesticides - the whole idea of the juice fast is to rid toxins from your body, not introduce more.

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